Comtrade Recycling

Non ferrous metal scrap

Dane kontaktowe:
ul. Golden Gate Commercial Building, 136-138 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong-Kong, 999077 Kowloon

Activity description

Comtrade recycling is searching for reliable scrap yards able to sell us on regular basis for the following scrap grades: 

automobile starter, alternator, ac compressor, engine scraps
electric motor scrap, washing machine motor scrap, aircon motor scrap
zinc diecast,  irony zinc scrap
aluminum scraps, irony aluminum scraps
shredded heavies,  shredded zinc, shredded motor scrap 

We are also always interested in any non-ferrous grades to be processed and recycled in our factory. 
Please contact us, so we can try to start some business in the recycling field.